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Richmond, Virginia; The first American reprint of John Smith's two-volume work from 1626, The True Travels, Adventures and Observations ... in Europe, Africke, and America and The Generall Histories of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Iles, was…

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Amsterdam; Based on the Thornton and Fisher chart of 1689 and Augustine Herrman's 1673 map of Maryland and Virginia, this map appeared in the volume 3 of Le Neptune Francois. It is oriented with north to the right. Focused on the Chesapeake Bay, the…

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Amsterdam; This finely drawn chart of the Chesapeake Bay appeared as chart 19 in De Nieuwe Groote Lightende Zee-Farkel, Part 4, produced by Johannis van Keuler (1654-1715). First issued in 1684 and reprinted continuously until 1783, this volume…

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Amsterdam; Note: see "Related Item" field for verso of map; Published in Jansson's Atlas Novus, editions 1649 to 1649, this is State 2 of 1640, differentiated by the sea-cherub, lower left, with a tail. In the 1630s there was fierce competition…

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Amsterdam; Note: see "Related Item" field for verso of map; Published in Jansson's Atlas Novus, editions 1649 to 1649, this is State 2 of 1640, differentiated by the sea-cherub, lower left, with a tail. In the 1630s there was fierce competition…

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Oxford; Appearing in Edward Wells' A New Set of Maps, published in Oxford in 1700, this map was included in many editions until 1738. Little information is presented south of New York, but there are five insets: Carolina, New Scotland, I. of Jamaica,…

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Rome, ca. 1775; This small map of the Western Hemisphere is probably from the Italian edition of the atlas Geografia Universale, engraved by P. Buffier and published in Rome by G. Petroschi in 1775. Claude Buffier was a Jesuit theologian whose small…

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London; This is the last major map based on Augustine Herrman's 1673 map of Virginia and Maryland, but unlike earlier maps, it is oriented with north at the top. The map was first published by Christopher Browne in 1685. This 3rd state includes the…

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Nuremburg; Created to encourage German emigration to America, Homann's map contains an elaborate cartouche stressing wealth and riches. A prosperous gentleman oversees a full tobacco warehouse, gold, and natural resources. German settlements are…

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Paris; Paris is noted as the prime meridian on this map which appeared as No. 158 in Atlas universel..., published between 1797 and 1801 by Edme Mentelle and Pierre Gregorie Chanlaire. It shows the area from New Jersey to Georgia. Mountains in the…

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London; Engraved on two plates and oriented with north to the right, this was the first published chart of the Chesapeake Bay with enough specific information to use for navigation. First appearing in The English Pilot: The Fourth Book (1689), the…

Frankfort, 1590; Theodor de Bry (1528-1598) used the watercolor map drawn by John White in 1585 as the basis for his engraved map of Virginia. Although primarily a map of what became the North Carolina coast, the map is the earliest published…
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