Reid, Armistead "Chuckie"


Reid, Armistead "Chuckie"


Segregation in education
Associations, institutions, etc.--African American membership
Race discrimination--United States
Prince Edward County (Va.)


Oral History Interview between Tyler Lohman and "Chuckie" Reid, conducted on April 22, 2021.


Armistead "Chuckie" Reid
Tyler Lohman


Hampden-Sydney College Archives & Special Collections


Hampden-Sydney College Archives & Special Collections



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Oral History




Prince Edward County (Va.)


Hampden-Sydney College Archives & Special Collections
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Tyler Lohman


Armistead "Chuckie" Reid


Tyler Lohman 0:01
All right, and we are live. Alright, so I'm Tyler Lohman. I'm obviously, as I mentioned before, I'm a senior here Hampden-Sydney. And I'm basically, class, which is a special topics class in history is focusing on Prince Edward County, the Moton school, and obviously, you have connections to both, whether they be one way or another. We're gonna find out a little about that. So I'm going to hand over the floor to you and you can kind of, you know, introduce yourself.

Chuck Reid 0:33
Well, I'm Chuck Reid. Real name is Armstead Reid, but I'm known as Chucky which was a childhood nickname. When school closed, I was eight years old.

Tyler Lohman 0:46

Chuck Reid 0:47
Matter of fact, it closed on my, on my birthday.

Tyler Lohman 0:51
No way.

Chuck Reid 0:52
So you know, with school closed, being that young, you figured, well, we're just gonna be closed for a day or so.

Tyler Lohman 1:02

Chuck Reid 1:03
I never thought it was gonna be--you know, a week went by. Month went by, a year went by.

Tyler Lohman 1:12

Chuck Reid 1:13
I was one of the lost generation that was out of school for five years. Didn't go anywhere, because my older siblings, they went away.

Tyler Lohman 1:21
That's incredible. So what would you say, like, along with yourself--maybe like friends or classmates--what was, what was happening? I mean, were maybe some of your classmates going on strike? Or were they staying at home? Maybe trying to find other ways of education? What was, like, the normal during that time?

Chuck Reid 1:39
Well, at my age, you know, we, I said, I stayed here Farmville.

Tyler Lohman 1:45

Chuck Reid 1:45
And we would have something called, like, the crash programs, which was classes being taught down in the basement of the churches, all over at the Elks Hall and Masonic Hall--

Tyler Lohman 1:58

Chuck Reid 1:58
--and we had people that came in to help us, to keep us kind of...intact--

Tyler Lohman 2:05

Chuck Reid 2:05
--you know, but my, my main focus was being down at the First Baptist Church, in the basement, because that's the church I belonged to and we were surrounded by Reverend Griffin and others, and that was our meeting place as we got older. But, during that time, you know, we were kind of like in the neighborhood, we played school. You know, we was a lot of people, a lot of kids in our neighborhood, about four or five different families. And we kind of--their parents took us and we played school on porches and, you know, acted like we was in school. But like I said, it started off that day, we went to months, weeks, and years. So, being out of school, five years, it kinda was a setback, you know.

Tyler Lohman 3:00
Right. No, I can completely imagine. And so, you were obviously younger when you were at them, you were with, in which you were at...When you were there, could you like describe the quality? Like the conditions of the school? Do you remember specifically, the layout or not?

Chuck Reid 3:18
Not? Not really.

Tyler Lohman 3:19

Chuck Reid 3:20
No, going back that I said, we were young and it was just waiting for school with your friends and all and then boom, this happened, first you was glad it happened to you as a vacation. Then as time went on, it got worse.

Tyler Lohman 3:38
Right, no I can only imagine, I mean I can imagine it was very odd--even with COVID now, we were out of school for a little bit of time, and that that felt weird. I can only imagine, you know, that little month or couple month period turning into years.

Chuck Reid 3:54

Tyler Lohman 3:54
First, that's got to be, you know, it's got to be something. At first, like you said, it might be a little vacation, might be kind of fun to get out of school, but after a while, it's probably like, "Alright, that's a little [crosstalk]." Yeah, I can totally imagine. So, um, so did you, did you personally witness any of like, the strikes or...the student strikes, led by Barbara Jones, did you see any of those?

Chuck Reid 4:15
No, no, no, I was too young for that.

Tyler Lohman 4:18
Okay. Well, I understand reports. You know, I'm just seeing, you know, a lot of, a lot of stories behind that. So I was seeing if there was any connection, but, uh, no problem at all. And so I know The Voice magazine, the newspaper, that was obviously huge back in those days...and we've been reading The Voice newspapers now. And you told me you were circulation manager, right?

Chuck Reid 4:41
Right. Right.

Tyler Lohman 4:42
Right, so what was like your involvement within The Voice?

Chuck Reid 4:46
Well, that was it. My main environment was, you know, we all...we always met down in the basement of the First Baptist Church That was our so-called headquarters, our workshop.

Tyler Lohman 4:56

Chuck Reid 4:57
And that's where we did everything. Especially when they had demonstrations and stuff, that's where we, you know, we made signs for demonstr--, that was our headquarters.

Tyler Lohman 5:06

Chuck Reid 5:07
We did everything down there. And my main thing with The Voice was really getting it out in the neighborhood, you know, riding around getting them out to different churches.

Tyler Lohman 5:19

Chuck Reid 5:20
With all of, with all the guys, so that was our main purpose was to get it out so people can read it so that they can be informed on what was going on. And that's what The Voice was all about.

Tyler Lohman 5:33
And so, was it, did you find any difficulties with getting it out? Or, over time I know, the quality of the papers, eventually... it was hard to get funded, and, and so on. But I don't know how long you were circulation manager there. But was there ever a difficulty of like limited copies or limited amounts of papers that you could dish out?

Chuck Reid 5:54
When we first started, you know, we started out with typing paper, you know, we started out making copies on a, on a printer, you know, just just typing, like typing paper, you know, then as it got better, then we got to somehow was able to print them. So our main focus after we got it going was to get it out, like I said, mainly to the local churches. So everybody can be informed of what's going on in our community.

Tyler Lohman 6:19
Right, no, totally I've been looking, I've been reading it, like writing that, probably in the last couple months here. And it's actually it's really cool to see, you know, how in detail and how in depth the conversations and topics go. I mean, you guys definitely not only made it work as far as printing your own material, but just I think, you know, if I was in that community, and that time, I would be definitely influenced. And persuaded from what the other writers and people from the church wrote, it was definitely a lot of quality there. And no, it's awesome, like I said.

Chuck Reid 6:58
We had, we had a lot of students that were they were really, you know, really smart. Put it like that, they were book smart.

Tyler Lohman 7:07
Talking more about that! I mean, like, how--

Chuck Reid 7:09

Tyler Lohman 7:10
--where did you guys get these..., organize the staff, or The Voice?

Chuck Reid 7:15
Just in the basement of the church, you know?

Tyler Lohman 7:17
Like, did you guys go out and reach out to people? Or did they kind of come to you guys, or how did that all happen?

Chuck Reid 7:22
We just, we just met as a group, you know, a bunch of young people just met and said, This is what we want to do. So we got together and they said let's put this together, Skip Griffin and some more...and what we did was put that together, and they started writing, and said we're gonna get it out to people. And like I said, we started low, and then we'll move up a little more. We got it out for people to be informed.

Tyler Lohman 7:46
Alright, and that definitely worked, from what...from my knowledge.

Chuck Reid 7:50
Yeah, it did.

Tyler Lohman 7:51
It did work, so congratulations to you and everyone that time, it's, it was remarkable. Looking back at it now, especially, you know, that's our job right now, so.

Chuck Reid 8:01

Tyler Lohman 8:01
Definitely did a good job there. But um, so explain to me, I mean, obviously, you were the circulation manager, you went to Moten, and were obviously out for a while. Did you pick up where you left off as far as education? Did you go anywhere else after Moton?

Chuck Reid 8:19
No, what happened when schools did open back up after five years out...we were tested by the state. And like I said, during those years it was closed we had people that came in from other colleges, some retired teachers that really helped us with our education. My grandmother, you know, she was a babysitter, and she took care of kids. And, you know, they wasn't just playing, they tried to educate us.

Tyler Lohman 8:44

Chuck Reid 8:45
So that's basically what we did, and what...we learned and took the test, and I was put in the grade. And after I was put in my right grade after that test, you know, you struggle to make it out of school, which I did. You know, I graduated in 1970. And I had a...I got into music real good. I loved being in the band. And I had a music teacher that said, "Well, I'm gonna help you go, help you get into a college." And he had tried to get some assistance for me to go to college. He told me "So you know what, you can go...we got you where you can go to Shaw University in music, and we'll help you out." By being out of school, just like a bunch of us in my age back then--we were scared to go.

Tyler Lohman 9:40

Chuck Reid 9:42
So I didn't take that offer. I didn't go to college because I was scared. You know, I was scared I wasn't gonna make it.

Tyler Lohman 9:48
Right, right.

Chuck Reid 9:49
So I ended up going to the military.

Tyler Lohman 9:52
So the military, so well, where'd you serve?

Chuck Reid 9:55
Air Force.

Tyler Lohman 9:56
Awesome. I actually wanted to be in the Air Force a long time ago. I was just fascinated. But if I didn't come, if I didn't play football, I probably would have been, definitely would of joined the Air Force. I love..., I've always want to fly plane as a kid to be a pilot.

Chuck Reid 10:10
So yeah, I worked in--

Tyler Lohman 10:12
Just thank you for your service, first of all.

Chuck Reid 10:15
Yeah, you're welcome. It was, it was real, it was real good to know. Kinda homesick to start out with, but, you know, I had met a young girl and then had a baby on the way, I said, I gotta do something. So I missed a year, not going to school, just working with different jobs and stuff. And I said, you know what, a lot of the guys in my area in this area went into the military. A lot of them didn't go to college back then.

Tyler Lohman 10:42
Right, right.

Chuck Reid 10:43
So every time they came back home on leave, you know, they talked about how good it was, you know, you need to try this. And a lot of them went into the Air Force--

Tyler Lohman 10:51

Chuck Reid 10:53
--so I said well I'm gonna try this and I went and...I stayed in there four years, you know? Which I wish I stayed a little longer. But then my grandmother got sick, my mother got sick, so I had to come back for humanitarian assignment to be closer to home, but, and then I got out.

Tyler Lohman 11:09

Chuck Reid 11:10
After I got out, you know, I came back to Farmville and had some community leaders talk to me and say, "Well, you know what, we need somebody to represent us in the city government" which was the Town Council at that time. And I said, Well, I'll try it. I thought it was gonna be, you know, one year running for Town Council, and now I'm in my 30th..., I forgot, I can't keep up with it. But I've been there a long time.

Tyler Lohman 11:41
Right. Right. So tell me more about that. I mean, I know, I was actually gonna ask you that, um, a little bit later. But while you're on the subject, talk a little about that. How being on the council...I know, you've definitely--you've moved up, right? As far as the council when you first started. Yeah, talk a little bit like that. I mean, like, what, what's your role now? Or, or what it was, maybe whatever you want to talk about, but tell me a little about that. Like your, your involvement within Farmville and Prince Edward County?

Chuck Reid 12:09
Well, when I first decided to run for council, people were like--I will always remember Reverend Griffin always told me, he said, "You know, you can always have somebody and you can be somebody," you know that always stuck into my mind. But as I got older, I said, you know what--excuse me--people like Warren Reed and some other in the community said, "Well, you know, hey, go ahead and try it for a year," like I said, and then I tried it for a year. And then more years came and I said, well, you know, I'm gonna try it again for another four years, another four years. And then I got to a point where we were just, like, happy in the people in the community. That's what it was all about.

Tyler Lohman 12:53
Right? Absolutely.

Chuck Reid 12:54
You know, I started off as a council member, and then I moved up now where I'm the vice mayor right now.

Tyler Lohman 13:00
Right? And that's what I've heard, which is awesome.

Chuck Reid 13:02
Right. So it's been good, you know, time has changed, but it's been good. You know, you meet a lot of people. And also doing a career--I was a mailman. So I've met a lot of people, you know, I was a mailman for 30 years. So I had two hats I was wearing: I was on City Council plus, I was a mailman.

Tyler Lohman 13:25

Chuck Reid 13:25
So I met a lot of people, a lot of, you know, a lot of families. You know, I've seen a lot of babies, a lot of dogs, and dog names and everybody you know? [Laughter] It was really, it was really an interesting thing. And now, I'm at the point now where, you know, I'll be 70 years old this year.

Tyler Lohman 13:46
Wow--Looking young!

Chuck Reid 13:49
Yeah, that's, that's what the grandchildren say--

Tyler Lohman 13:52
You are! I wouldn't have guessed!

Chuck Reid 13:54
--yeah, I'll be, I'll be 70 years old this year. And I have more on my mind what I'm gonna do when that term come next year, '22. You know, and people ask me whether I'm gonna run for mayor, or whatever, you know, and the thing they give me with the mayor, the mayor's alright--the mayor is a title. To me, a council member can do a lot more than a mayor, in my eyesight.

Tyler Lohman 14:22

Chuck Reid 14:22
So you know, I might be wrong, but I have really enjoyed my career, you know, different...meeting the different people, a lot of different people on Council. When I first started off, it was kind of rough. It was kind of scary.

Tyler Lohman 14:37

Chuck Reid 14:37
You know, but then as time changes, you know, I figured I'm gonna stand my ground and stay here and then I'm still here!

Tyler Lohman 14:46
Years later! I mean, first of all, like, you had to've been the man right? I mean, you're you're a mailman. You're in the council. Everyone knew you. So you were the, you were the man over here in Farmville. Everyone, everyone knows last the last name Reid in Farmville. There's no doubt about that.

Chuck Reid 15:02
That's right. You know, you try, you try to separate it, but sometimes you carrying mail and somebody want to come out the house and talk politics. You know, I don't have time. But my thing was, you know, being a mailman I was, you know, always checking on the elders, knock on the door if I didn't see him for a while, see how they was doing--they appreciated that. [Crosstalk] Yeah, and that's the same way with being on the council. You know, I respect and love working with people. And I go through the neighborhood and check and see if there's anything that I can do on my own, you know, in [unintelligible], because sometimes city council don't see what you see, right in your neighborhood. So you got to, you got to step up the game and see, let them know what's happening.

Tyler Lohman 15:49
Exactly right. And even more of a personal experience and you know more on the inside than they do, you know, from the outside. So--

Chuck Reid 15:56

Tyler Lohman 15:57
--I totally understand. Well also too, like, I mean, it's definitely a marvel what you've done--from what I can tell already--what you've said is that you like, you love to help others, right? I mean, you're in the airforce, you serve the country, and then you're a council member, a mailman, you like to serve others. Is that pretty accurate? To say that?

Chuck Reid 16:14
Yeah. My motto? My motto, you know, during the years was "a man who cares."

Tyler Lohman 16:20

Chuck Reid 16:20
And that was me, like, I cared about and I still care about people.

Tyler Lohman 16:24

Chuck Reid 16:25
So that's, that's mainly what it's all about.

Tyler Lohman 16:29
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I'm the same way. I think every person has a story..., everyone has, has a different value in life, everyone's here for a reason. And if you're not, then well, so be it. But I mean, it's honestly all comes down to, you know, you got to always admire people that give back to the community, give back know, whether it's family, friends, whoever may be just that...maybe the town, the city, like you get back to them in general. I'm pretty sure everyone here in Farmville and I, as well, appreciate what you've done. It's very admiring. And so thank you for that, for all you've done.

Chuck Reid 17:05
Yeah, yeah, it was, it was rough at times. You know, as you got older, you learn to respect--you know, a lot of people said, "Do you have a you have grudges? Do you have hate built up in you because of what happened with school closing?" And I, you know, I thought about it, and I learned and I said, "You know what? It just made me stronger." Because I wasn't used to hate, you know, I said it made me stronger. You know, I came back from the military, got on the council, and I learned to deal with people of all colors. So it really made me strong.

Tyler Lohman 17:40

Chuck Reid 17:41
The school closing, you know?

Tyler Lohman 17:43
Absolutely. So, so I mean, like you said it made you stronger, obviously. But anything, any other...anything else like from the closing of the school? What did it change as far as, like, later in life, now when you look back at it, what has it changed it? Has it changed the way you've gone about certain things, or the way you view...maybe politics? Or whatever, I mean, don't get too in depth, but you can just maybe give an example of what it's exactly changed from from your standpoint.

Chuck Reid 18:10
Well, well, like I said, it just makes you stronger and makes you be wiser. It made me wiser, for one thing. And it made me to..., to keep your eyes open. You know, see what's going on. That, that's mainly what it did as I went on through life, you know--like I said, getting up in age now--you still got to watch your back some kind of way.

Tyler Lohman 18:34

Chuck Reid 18:36
But I keep my eyes open the whole time.

Tyler Lohman 18:38
Yeah. No, I totally understand. I mean, I can only imagine, when something like that comes around the corner, it's a huge curveball.

Chuck Reid 18:46

Tyler Lohman 18:47
So now I mean, you always say, Keep your eyes open. Make sure--from a, from a football analogy--make sure your blind, your blind side is covered.

Chuck Reid 18:55
That's it.

Tyler Lohman 18:56
Yeah. You know, I totally understand. I mean, wow. I mean..., this conversation is great so far. I mean, anything else you want to touch on or any questions you have for me or any other...anything else worth mentioning?

Chuck Reid 19:11
No, I think, I think that's about it. You know, I enjoy working with the Moton Museum, which I am now the president of the Board and Council.

Tyler Lohman 19:20
Are you really? See I should ask that. So what's your role, exactly, there? I mean, obviously you probably counsel, but what exactly do you do?

Chuck Reid 19:29
Just carry on the meetings and you know, that's mainly what it's all about. Tomorrow is the Moton lab is all day tomorrow from 10 to 8. Telethon is going on to raise money for the, for the museum and you can go on Moton Museum's Facebook page, and I think it runs from ten o'clock in the morning until eight o'clock tomorrow night.

Tyler Lohman 19:53

Chuck Reid 19:54
And you can go on there anytime, between them times and see different segments of what's going on. We're gonna have the governor speaking and other people speaking, got a guest speaker tomorrow at six o'clock. And then I might get some words around 6:30 or somewhere along there, with the president of the trustee board, so. And that's been very interesting, you know, and that's again, working with people.

Tyler Lohman 20:20
Right. Right. Which you like--

Chuck Reid 20:22
--working with the community. Yeah, working in the community.

Tyler Lohman 20:25
Right. I mean, I visited the museum twice personally, and just..., it's just so fascinating to me, because I mean, when you, when you come to Farmville, the first thing, you know when you see in Farmville is you have the town. You see the little stores on the side and all this, but it's like, so hidden the Moton Museum, like when I first came to school, the first three years, I didn't even know about it, right? So I didn't know the location, I didn't know much about it. And then, obviously, I had a, I had a western culture class, and my teacher, she--was a first teacher to take me there. And I was like, wow, this is such a...this, right here, is more the identity of Farmville, than the town or anything else, in my opinion. Like it's just just connected me to Farmville in a way that everything else wasn't because I felt like that was...had more significance than a lot of other things at Farmville, it's just very undermined, and--

Chuck Reid 21:16
Right, right.

Tyler Lohman 21:17
--very respectable.

Chuck Reid 21:19
They have some books over there with interviews from, you know, different students that was involved in the school closing, [unintelligible] I'm in one of those issues, and--I forgot what issue, I think it's three issues so far, and they're gonna release a new one tomorrow--

Tyler Lohman 21:36
Oh, wow.

Chuck Reid 21:37
--if you go by there you can get some copies of them. And they have interviews, what they talked to different people that was involved in school closing.

Tyler Lohman 21:45
Yeah, I would definitely be interested. I mean, I heard about Barbara Johns, her story. And I was extremely interested about her story. I was...that was amazing, what she did. But now I would, I would definitely love to dive into more of those and listen to more because every time it's like a different, a different story, different side, different perspective.

Chuck Reid 22:03
Yeah, well you go by there and get a copy of those books, and you'll be, you'll be surprised at the interviews and the people that they interview and their story,

Tyler Lohman 22:11
Right. I imagine. I imagine, completely. I'm definitely, I'll definitely look into doing that. Next time, I'm actually going to go over there relatively soon for the end of our class. We're going to head over there one last time, and maybe when I do that, I can uh, before I leave Farmville forever, the last thing I'll leave with is maybe a little, a transcript or interview. Yeah, that would be, that'd be awesome.

Chuck Reid 22:34
Yeah. Just make sure you get a copy of those three issues of those books and you'll be surprised at the interviews and the stories that they tell.

Tyler Lohman 22:42

Chuck Reid 22:45
Like I said, they're gonna do one..., release one tomorrow with new interviews in 'em, so.

Tyler Lohman 22:52
Yeah, yeah, I'll check it out. I'll check it out, for sure. For sure. Um, yeah, awesome. Anything else? Like I said, I know there's a lot to discuss on this topic. I don't want to hold you back. I know you want to enjoy Thursday night...maybe, it's around dinner time, I don't know if you had any yet! [Laughter] I don't want to interrupt too much. But uh, is there anything else? Um, honestly, like, anything else? You ask me, or?

Chuck Reid 23:17
I can't think of anything else. But I'm glad I could, you know, answer some questions for you.

Tyler Lohman 23:21
You definitely did!

Chuck Reid 23:23
You know, as you get older, sometimes you forget, sometimes and then you think about after you finish talking, you know, say what "I should have told him this, I should have told him that." But like I said, if you look at the interview, and that booklet, is one interview that students at Longwood did that's very, very interesting.

Tyler Lohman 23:39
Yeah, I'll definitely look at it. And uh...I just want to say you're too old to forget anything, you seem pretty sharp to me. And if you run for mayor, I might go ahead and vote for you. So go ahead and do that. You got my vote.

Chuck Reid 23:52
I appreciate that.

Tyler Lohman 23:53
Absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, it's been a pleasure. I really can't thank you enough for taking the time and kind of given me everything that I need everything the school needs to help me--everyone wants to, you know, understand the history of Moton better, right, and that's why, that's the whole purpose of this and that's why we want to hear your personal stories, your insights, because it--to us obviously not being then, not being there during that time and and through all of that which you've all been through's just, it's, it's so interesting to say the least and so--

Chuck Reid 24:24
Yeah, it's interesting because of the fact that, you know, when Barbara Johns...when they had their walk-out, that was different, you know, the walk-out, but then the ones that follow like myself, you know, that was there and was out of the school for five years--

Tyler Lohman 24:36

Chuck Reid 24:38
--that got no education. You know, that's..., that was the rough time, because a lot of the ones that was there with Barbara Johns, like, you know, a lot of them didn't go back, go back to school, and there's a lot of people that was out with me for five years. They didn't go back to get any education because when I went back to school after the five years, it was some students in my class that were older than the teacher!

Tyler Lohman 25:06
Wow. Yeah. I believe it, though, I mean that, that's kind of how it was right? I mean, you also said a lot of, a lot of your friends or people you knew also into the military, too. That was an alternative.

Chuck Reid 25:15
That's right.

Tyler Lohman 25:16
Right. Okay. I mean, that's the thing. I mean, it's better doing something like that, you know, finding a, finding a ways and means of coming at life, and just, you know, staying back and just, you know, saying that's it. I mean, like you said, you were in the military, couple people you knew went to military.

Chuck Reid 25:31

Tyler Lohman 25:32
Moving around and [unintelligible].

Chuck Reid 25:34
Quite a few of us went into the military, but I did..., when I did come back, when I got out the military, I worked, I did some substitute teaching at the school. You know, they tried to get me to go to school and get a degree or something, because they said they needed more black males in the school system. But, you know, it just wasn't there for me to do it, you know? But I did, you know, I was the president of the Booster Club for 10 years at the school system. So we, we did work with the school system, which was good. You know, I really enjoyed that, so.

Tyler Lohman 26:09
I bet, I bet.

Chuck Reid 26:10

Tyler Lohman 26:10
Like I said, you probably had a--maybe you know, maybe you don't, but I'm guaranteeing you had a huge impact on everyone around you. Just from what I've heard from this conversation, as far as your involvement in the community and the town council, maybe the mailman, or whatever. That stuff plays, it plays a factor. I mean, it changes people, some people's lives, you don't even know it, so.

Chuck Reid 26:31
Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Tyler Lohman 26:32
It does, it really does.

Chuck Reid 26:33
You know, I see people now, you know, matter of fact I saw two ladies today in town and they're telling me how much they miss me on the mail route, you know. And I miss them too, you know, but it was just the point of just sometimes just stopping by talking to them, you know? Just talk to them, and see how they was doing.

Tyler Lohman 26:55
People miss that, too. I mean, I'll tell you for one, if you talk to one of my best friends, we talked all the time and then he moved away. You miss them. You missed the interaction. Because you build a friendship with somebody, it's, it's hard to let it go. So I can imagine that all those people you probably talk to, they probably miss you, they probably miss your routes.

Chuck Reid 27:13
I do, I do.

Tyler Lohman 27:15
I bet, I bet.

Chuck Reid 27:17

Tyler Lohman 27:19
Well, Mr. Reid, I can't really think of anything else. You did a great job with answering my questions, even going above that, and kind of filling me in on everything that you've been through personally, and what the community was like, everything. Ah, you did a great job, so. I definitely thank you. Um, if you have any questions for me--I'm guessing you don't...?

Chuck Reid 27:40
No I think I'm fine, I just wish you--you say you're senior this year--and I just wish you luck in the future.

Tyler Lohman 27:46
Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

Chuck Reid 27:48
Yes, sir.

Tyler Lohman 27:49
All right. Well, um, you enjoy your Thursday night. Don't, don't, don't stay too busy. [Laughter] I know you've been on the road a lot of places, Richmond and all that, so stay, stay a little free to schedule up and enjoy yourself this weekend. And like I said, it's been, it was a pleasure talking to you. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your involvement. We all appreciate you, on the behalf of my school.

Chuck Reid 28:12
Hope I, you know, helped you a little bit, sir, in a way--

Tyler Lohman 28:15
A lot. You did a lot. So--

Chuck Reid 28:15
All right.

Tyler Lohman 28:15
--I appreciate it. All right Mr. Reid, you take care.

Chuck Reid 28:15
You too.

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Armistead "Chuckie" Reid and Tyler Lohman, “Reid, Armistead "Chuckie",” Hampden-Sydney College Digital Repository, accessed October 16, 2024,