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Demonstrators march on downtown Farmville

The Union Philanthropic Society held its weekly meeting with the topic, "Resolved: That We Should Not Have Segregation IN American Colleges."

Pat White discusses his feelings about the state of the college

A pro and con piece on whether HSC should accept a Black student

T. Burwell Robinson resigns his position as PTA president

Mr. T. J. McIlwaine, Superintendent of Prince Edward and Cumberland, spoke to the Union Philanthropic Society in favor of school segregation

The G.P. – third issue “underground newspaper” / Individuals referenced: Dr. Ray A. Moore, T. Burwell Robinson, C. G. Gordon Moss, James Edgar Henderson, Gayle Evans, Ed Koffenberger, Robert Mariner, Wm. F. Watkins, Mrs. Purvall, Robert Early, Mrs.…

The Bridge, Vol. 1, No. 8 / An overview of the past study group meeting / Individuals referenced: Margaret Hill, Tyler Miller, Eliza Paschall, George Washington

The Bridge, Vol. 1, No. 7 / An overview of the past study group meeting / Individuals referenced: Soloman Flourney, G. H. Thompson, Liston Pope

The Bridge, Vol. 1, No. 6 / An overview of the past study group meeting / Individuals referenced: A. M. Field, Karl Haselden, R. A. Moore, Jr., President Johnson, President Kennedy

The Bridge, Vol. 1, No. 5 / An overview of the past study group meeting / Individuals referenced: Roger Madison, Mrs. Connie, Delores Taylor, W. T. Reveley, William Stringfellow

The Bridge, Vol. 1, No. 4 / An overview of the past study group meeting / Individuals referenced: C. F. McRae, C. M. Rawlins, Louis Galphin, Martin Luther King, Jr., James Baldwin, F. L. Griffin, Sarah Patton Boyle

The Bridge, Vol. 1, No. 3 / An overview of the past study group meeting / Individuals referenced: Roland Layton, Roger Madison

The Bridge, Vol. 1, No. 11 / "Our group held an historic meeting on November 10, 1964, in the Parent's and Friends' Lounge at Hampden-Sydney, Mr. Field led a devotional and presided over the meeting, whose purpose was to decide whether we should…

The Bridge, Vol. 1, No. 10 / "Our group had its last meeting in the First Baptist Church in Farmville on October 27. Dr. Joseph Whitted presided; Dr. Gordon Moss introduced the speaker for the evening, Reverend Heslip M. Lee, Executive Secretary of…
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