"Civic Council Lists Plans in Nottoway" - Miss A. Savary - The Nottoway County committee that sparked County Negroes to desegregate...has been re-organized and renamed the Nottoway Civic Development Council and is branching out into other areas for…
"Six Years Later They are Learning to Read" - Author Unknown - About five hundred children and adults in Prince Edward County are learning how to read and write as students in Operation Catch-Up" in the summer of 1965. / "Headstart" - Darwyn White -…
"Plans to Make Green Bay Model Recreation Area" - Larry Hines -"The Green Bay District has been chosen as the site for a model area for year around recreation free to the whole community." / "Employment...You and Your Rights" - Leslie F. Griffin, Jr.…
"Electoral Board: Show Your True Colors!" - Author Unknown - The School Board Chairman has resigned and there is a call for a Black community member to be appointed. / "Selective Buying Campaign Ends" - Author Unknown -Selective Buying Committee…
"Question Box" - Vonita White - A new service from THE VOICE where questions are submitted. The question is: "What is a Primary Election?" / "'Push for 1,200' Voter Registration Drive Active in Prince Edward" - Author Unknown - A voter registration…
"Human Relations' Youth Organize" - Philip Stockman - The Prince Edward Youth Council on Human Relations is a new organization comprised of members from Hampden-Sydney College, Longwood College, and Robert R. Moton High School. / "Supervisors Ask…
"New Industry Operates in Farmville" - Vivian Scott and Harold White - Stackpole Component Company, who came to Prince Edward in early 1966 and located its pilot plant, which employs 140 people, on Highway 460 has started work on a new plant. /…
"Nation Has New Voting Rights Act" - Author Unknown -The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is explored. / "Visiting Science Program Here" - Author Unknown -Traveling scientists present to children in the Operation Catch-Up program. / "Peace Corps Needs…
"Know the Candidates: William B. Spong, Jr." - Phaeby Dupey - An overview of U.S. Senate Democratic hopeful, William B. Spong, Jr. / "Know the Candidates: Lawrence M. Traylor" - Robert Booker - An overview of U.S. Senate Republican hopeful, Lawrence…
"Scholarship Aid Available for Students Here" - Otis Jackson - A call to students to begin thinking about college and necessary aid and preparation required. / "Education Act Will Aid Educationally Deprived" -Larry Hines - The benefits of the…
"Peace Speakers Request an End To Every War" - Debbie Mariner - Members of THE VOICE attend a Peace Seminar sponsored by the Richmond Council for Peace Education. / "Gene Lee Will Attend Prep School" - Donzella White - Gene Lee, a freshman at Robert…
"Credo" - Robert R. Moton - A quote from Robert R. Moton / "The Rev. Mr. Griffin Speaks" - L. Francis Griffin, Sr., Pastor - L. F. Griffin writes to set the record straight on issues pertaining to him. / "PTA Members Locked Out" - Robert R. Moton -…
"Moon Success: Earthly Hunger" - Author Unknown - A column questioning the benefits of the space program when so much needs to be done in the United States to improve the lives of citizens. / "Church Closes Doors to Five Worshippers" - Author Unknown…
"After School What?" - Robert Booker - Questions posed to the highschooler as to whether he/she is ready for the work world. / "Famous Negroes" - Henry Ossawa Tanner and Varian Jackson - In this portion of the series exploring famous Black pioneers,…
"Homemaking Service in Planning Stage for P.E." - Frances Dove - The Community Action Group, Inc. is in the planning stages for a large homemaking program for the women of the community hopefully funded by the War on Poverty. / "Donations Needed" -…