"State Student Conference Held in Farmville Recently" - Larry Hines - A state student conference was held in Farmville to present high school and college students with problems facing Virginia. / "Sen. Howell Urges Youth to Work for New Virginia" -…
Miller Gives Away Thousands - Author Unknown - Dr. N. P. Miller donates $10,000 to Howard University School of Denistry. / "Red Cross: Part of Conspiracy?" - Author Unknown - The author questions whether the Red Cross is purposefully conspiring to…
Washington, U.S. Coast Survey, 1853; One in a series of charts of the Chesapeake Bay area made during the survey of the Bay, begun in 1843, This serves as a key to topographic and hydrographic sheets and shows the triangulation of of the Chesapeake…
Map of Chesapeake Bay region, featuring parts of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and North Carolina coastlines. Text is in French. Paris, 1795. Published as plate 27 in Atlas Moderne Portatif. --From This New Founde Lande: The Henry &…
Amsterdam, 1630/1636; The first derivative of Smith's map of Virginia appeared in Atlas Novus in the editions of 1636, 1638, 1641, and 1644. It is the only Smith derivative with the Indian facing the Chesapeake Bay. Powhatan's Lodge appears in the…
Note: Image depicts back of map. Amsterdam; The first derivative of Smith's map of Virginia appeared in Atlas Novus in the editions of 1636, 1638, 1641, and 1644. It is the only Smith derivative with the Indian facing the Chesapeake Bay. Powhatan's…
London; Note: image depicts front; see "Related Item" field for verso of image. Derivative 9, State I, of Smith's map of Virginia. Oriented with north to the right, this lovely map was first published in John Speed's The Theatre of the Empire of…
London; Note: image depicts verso; see "Related Item" field for front of image. Derivative 9, State I, of Smith's map of Virginia. Oriented with north to the right, this lovely map was first published in John Speed's The Theatre of the Empire of…
Paris; Derived from 1754 Fry-Jefferson map of Virginia, this map appeared in Histoire Generale des Voyages by l'Abbe Provost in Paris until 1775. It shows the area from Philadelphia south to Cape Henry and west to the mountains and includes names of…
Philadelphia, 1831; Published in Mitchell's A new American Atlas, which was designed to illustrate the geography of the United States, this is map 7, engraved by J.H. Young. An inset shows a plan of Washington, D.C. and Georgetown, and statistical…
Leiden, ca. 1708-1728; A prolific publisher, editor, and bookseller, Peter vander Aa included the arrival of John Smith to America in his map of Virginia. He published a similar map in his Atlas Nouveau Et Curieux (1714), but with a French title and…
Paris, 1795; Published as a plate in 27 in Atlas Moderne Portatif. --From This New Founde Lande: The Henry & Kaye Spalding Map Collection at Hampden-Sydney College, 2008.
Paris, ca. 1768; A cartouche with a more decorative top line differentiates this map from Spalding 50 [also in this collection]. Otherwise, the geographic area is the same, covering Pennsylvania and New Jersey to the Carolinas. Fronts differ,…
Paris, ca. 1780; Showing the area from Virginia's Rappahannock River through Georgia, this map indicates larger towns by symbols colored in red. Bonne was a mathematician and cartographer and successor to Jacques Nicolas Bellin as hydrographer at the…